Scope of the SLE Conference
The term “software language” refers to artificial languages used in software development including general-purpose programming languages, domain-specific languages, modeling and meta-modeling languages, data models, and ontologies. Examples include general purpose modeling languages such as UML, but also domain-specific modeling languages for business process modeling, such as BPMN, or embedded systems, such as Simulink or Modelica, and specialized XML-based and OWL-based languages and vocabularies. The term “software language” also comprises APIs and collections of design patterns that define a language implicitly.
Software language engineering is the application of systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approaches to the development (design, implementation, testing, deployment), use, and maintenance (evolution, recovery, and retirement) of these languages. Of special interest are (1) formal descriptions of languages that are used to design or generate language-based tools and (2) methods and tools for managing such descriptions, including modularization, refactoring, refinement, composition, versioning, co-evolution, recovery, and analysis.
The post-proceedings from Springer is now available (main page, online)!
Photos and videos of the 2012 events can be found in the Program section!
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