Doctoral Symposium
The International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) aims to bring together the different sub-communities of the software-language-engineering community to foster cross-fertilisation and to strengthen research overall.
Within this context the Doctoral Symposium at SLE 2012 contributes towards these goals by providing a forum for both early and late-stage PhD students to present their research and get detailed feedback and advice from researchers both in and out of their particular research area.
The main objectives of this event are:
- to provide PhD students with an opportunity to write about and present their research
- to provide PhD students with constructive feedback on their work from their peers and from established researchers in their own and in different SLE sub-communities
- to build bridges for potential research collaboration
- to foster integrated thinking about SLE challenges crossing the boundaries between sub-communities
- to encourage discussion about research methodology
Besides research topics as mentioned in the SLE conference positioning, we explicitly solicit papers that address
unusual cross-domain aspects of software languages, practical application of software language engineering concepts in real world examples, commercial or non-commercial, or usage and usability aspects of software languages for non-IT and non-research audience as well.
Furthermore, we encourage PhD students to submit papers about research aspects of and connected to software language engineering, even if not explicitly mentioned in the positioning of SLE and doctoral symposium in order to start exchange of such research ideas in the community.
Important Dates
- Deadline for submission: July 10, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: August 20, 2012
- Deadline for revisions:September 7, 2012
- Doctoral Symposium: September 25, 2012
Symposium Format
The Symposium will include a keynote about a topic that addresses methodological aspects of research. The symposium will follow an interactive approach where presenters, discussants and the audience can engage in a fruitful discussion about the presented research topics. It includes multiple sessions with a total of about 10 papers. After each paper presentation of about 15 minutes the paper will be directly discussed by pre-assigned discussants and then the discussion will be extended to the wider audience.
The symposium language is English.
Preliminary Schedule
Time | Topic |
9:00 - 9:15 | Welcome |
9:15 - 09:45 | Niklas Fors. Supporting Visual Editors using Reference Attributed Grammars (Discussants: Michaela Bačíková, Dominik Lakatoš and Milan Nosá) |
09:45 - 10:15 | Michaela Bačíková, Dominik Lakatoš and Milan Nosá. Automatized Generating of GUIs for Domain-Specific Languages (Discussant: Niklas Fors) |
Coffee break | |
10:45 - 11:15 | Muhammad Atif Qureshi. Interoperability of Software Engineering Metamodels: Lessons Learned (Discussant: Svetlana Arifulina) |
11:15 - 11:45 | Kardelen Hatun, Christoph Bockisch and Mehmet Aksit. Aspect-Oriented Language Mechanisms for Component Binding (Discussant: Ted Kaminski) |
11:45 - 12:15 | Svetlana Arifulina. Towards a Framework for the Integration of Modeling Languages (Discussant: Muhammad Atif Qureshi) |
Lunch | |
13:45 - 14:35 |
Keynote: Steffen Greiffenberg: Methodology as theories for business informatics |
14:45 - 15:15 | Ted Kaminski. Verifiable composition of language extensions (Discussants: Kardelen Hatun, Christoph Bockisch and Mehmet Aksit) |
Coffee break | |
15:45 - 16:15 | Leandro Nascimento, Vinicius Garcia and Silvio Romero De Lemos Meira. SMADL: The Social Machines Architecture Description Language (Discussant: Joel Dos Santos, Christiano Braga and Débora C. Muchaluat Saade) |
16:15 - 16:45 | Joel Dos Santos, Christiano Braga and Débora C. Muchaluat Saade. A Model-driven Approach for the Analysis of Multimedia Documents (Discussants: Leandro Nascimento, Vinicius Garcia and Silvio Romero De Lemos Meira) |
16:45 - 17:15 | Closing session |
Submitted papers should have a size of either 4 (especially suitable for presenting emerging research ideas) or 8 pages (suitable for presenting research in progress or advanced research).
Each paper will receive at least 3 reviews.
Papers have to be submitted using EasyChair.
The proceedings of the doctoral symposium will be published online on the CEUR publishing platform ( The papers have to follow the LNCS-Format ( as the proceedings of the regular SLE 2012 conference.
Program Chairs
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Eisenecker, University of Leipzig
- Christian Bucholdt, Credit Suisse AG, Zürich
Program Committee
- Lopez Herrejon, Roberto. Johannes Kepler University of Linz, AT
- Haupt, Michael. Oracle
- Rabiser, Rick. Johannes Kepler University of Linz, AT
- Porkolab, Zoltan. Eötvös Loránd University, HU
- Vranic, Valentino. University of Technology Bratislava, SK
- Günther, Sebastian. Vrije University Brussels, BE
- Saake, Gunther. University of Magdeburg, DE
- Breymann, Ulrich. University of Applied Sciences Bremen, DE
- Müller, Johannes. University of Leipzig, DE
- Kästner, Christian. University of Marburg, DE
- van den Brand, Mark. Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
- Liebig, Jörg. University of Passau, DE
- Järvi, Jaako. Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
- Hubaux, Arnaud. University of Namur, BE
- Becker, Steffen. University of Paderborn, DE
- Wehrheim, Heike. University of Paderborn, DE
- Benavides, David. University of Seville, ES
- Nierstrasz, Oscar. University of Bern, CH
- Michal Valenta, University of Technology Prague, CZ
- Jaroslav Poruban, Technical University of Kosice, SK