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9:00 - 9:15
  • Welcome
9:15 - 10:15

10:15 - 10:45
  • Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:15

12:15 - 13:45  Lunch

13:45 - 14:00 
14:00 - 15:15 
  • Working Session

15:15 - 15:45
  • Coffee Break

15:45 - 18:00 
  • Working Session
  • Roadmap


What is SLEBOK?

SL(E)BOK @ SLE 2012 is the place to be for all researchers who want to participate and play an active role in the construction of the Body of Knowledge on software languages.

SL(E)BOK 2.0 is an emerging Research 2.0 project 
that aims at creating and maintaining a
Body Of Knowledge (BOK) about 
Software Languages, Software Linguistics and Software Language Engineering (SL(E)).


The web site you are currently using is dedicated to the SL(E)BOK @ SLE2012 event, which is a milestone within this project. Note that the workshop is not meant nor expected to be "big" in terms of attendance, but to be big on productivity. The next sections explain the rationales behind the design of this "working workshop".

Projects vs. Events

Establishing a Body of Knowledge (BOK), that is a cartography of concepts and resources of within an area of knowledge, is clearly an enterprise that is far beyond the capacity of any indidividual or team. Producing a BOK and maintaining it over time is definitively not a task that can be done during a one-day event.

The SL(E)BOK 2.0 project is therefore designed as an organic research 2.0 project that will span over various communities and will be ponctuated by various flesh-and-blood "workshops" or "sessions" held in conjunction or hosted by various scientific events.

For instance two working sessions were devoted to SL(E)BOK during the SoTeSoLa 2012 summer school. The current event will be held in conjunction with SLE 2012 and GPCE 2012.


SL(E)BOK @ SLE 2012 is the first "official" working workshop in a series. SL(E)BOK @ SLE 2012 will be held immediately before SLE 2012, the SLE conference being obviously a natural venue for discussing topics about software languages. 

The term "working workshops", which is inspired by "working conferences", is linguistically speaking a tautology. The intent by using this very term is to put the emphasis on the fact that this workshop is NOT intended to be a workshop where people just travel for hours, show-up at the event, present their own individual work, possibly answer a couple of questions, and then get back to their regular business. 

On the contrary, flesh & blood participants are going to be engaged in a series of working sessions where community-oriented projects will be presented, where new ideas will emerge, where actual work will be done, and road map for further work will be established. That is, actual involvement of participants is crucial, just like any other community-based projects. 

Workshop outcomes

While the ultimate goal of the SL(E)BOK 2.0 project is establish and maintain on the long term a Body of Knowledge for SL(E), this target mostly indicates a direction and a vision. Such long term goal will obviously require a significant amount of work, dedication and resources.

It is very unlikely that such a project will work without a pragmatic, down to Earth, and incremental approach. Just like any other community-oriented projects, SL(E)BOK 2.0 is likely to fail if no intermediate, concrete yet appealing goals and milestones are defined and included in a reasonable time-frame. At least two kinds of output are to be considered.

The proposal, which will be presented and discussed at large during the workshop, is to produce collaboratively a (set of) technical report(s) during the course of the SL(E)BOK 2.0 project (not during the workshop itself). For those reports that will be worth a publication, to convert the corresponding material into submissions of collaborative journal papers.

The notion of collaborative papers, simply put a paper produced by many experts in a given field (up to a few dozens if necessary), is less disruptive that so-called "fluid publications". In fact, only the mode of production of these papers are different from the common state of affair, their mode of evaluation and diffusion will remain the same. We believe therefore that the notion of collaborative paper is more amenable to its actual implementation and acceptance by our research community.

More information about this concept, corresponding rationales will be made available on the SL(E)BOK web site, along with a presentation of the SL(E)BOK paper factory and dates for next milestones in 2012.

under construction


For more information about SL(E)BOK @ SLE 2012 working workshop contact the organizers of this event:

  • Jean-Marie Favre, Univeristy of Grenoble, France
  • Jurgen Vinju, CWI, The Netherlands
For more information about SL(E)BOK 2.0 project, visit